"Life is great. Cheese makes it better.....” Avery Aames

There is nothing we like better than talking about cheese and putting together a cheeseboard with all the accoutrements we stock in the deli. Do pop in or give us a call on 01730 260102 for Petersfield.
Did you know that Britain produces at least 700 named cheeses, many of which are considered to be the best in the world? Our range of cheeses is growing all the time and we pride ourselves on being able to source many of the best in Britain. These are some we have stocked for some time and are amongst our absolute favourites…..

Ashcombe is a large, flat, disc shaped cheese which features a striking line of wood ash running through the centre of the cheese. The rind is carefully washed in a special brine solution to develop a bright terracotta hue. The rind is meaty and savoury, while the paste has aromas of warm milk and hay. The flavours are comforting and rich, reminding us of melted butter and fresh hazelnuts.

Cornish Yarg is a nettle wrapped semi hard cheese made from grass rich Cornish milk. Tangy under its natural rind and slightly crumbly in the core, it consistently wins top international awards.
The leaves, which attract naturally occurring moulds, are brushed onto the cheese in concentric circles. As the cheese matures, the edible wrap imparts a delicate, mushroomy taste and develops its unique bloomy white appearance.
Once matured, nettled Yarg is fresh, lemony and creamy under its beautiful rind, with an irresistible crumble in the core.

Golden Cross is a log shaped goat’s milk cheese which can be eaten fresh or matured. Coagulation takes 24 hours before the curds are gently ladled into long moulds to form the log shape. The cheeses are lightly charcoaled prior to maturation when a velvety white penicillium mould develops on the surface.
When young the cheese has a fine, firm silky texture and fresh, citrus flavour.
As it matures the cheese becomes denser and creamier and develops stronger, more complex flavours.
Golden Cross is a versatile cheese that goes well on a cheeseboard or can be used for cooking and grilling.

This stunning cheese which was created at the Lynher Dairy in Cornwall, was crowned Supreme Champion at 2017’s World Cheese Awards. Chosen from 3,000 cheeses from around the globe, the panel of internationally renowned judges deemed Kern the very best. It is a hard cheese with the buttery caramel Alpine flavours of Comte and a nutty, smooth most superb well rounded flavour combined with salt crystals.

​England's one and only unpasteurised Red Leicester and is the first to be produced on Sparkenhoe Farm since 1875. It has been recreated using tradtional methods and raw milk from their herd of pedgree Holstein-Friesian cattle. A firm, nutty, slightly sweet cow's cheese with a lemon finish - naturally dyed with dried annatto seed to give it the deep orange-red colour.

A Gold winner at the World Cheese Awards 2016, Tunworth is England's very own camembert made up the road from us in Hampshire. Entirely made by hand from pasteurised cow's milk it has a thin, soft, white rind and a rich, mushroomy, satisfyingly rounded flavour.
Winslade, a 2022 World Cheese Award winner, developed over a five year period, is our sibling cheese for Tunworth.
This Vacherin/Camembert cross is encircled in a spruce collar which gives Winslade a unique and distinctive pine note.
A ripe Winslade is soft and unctuous with a quiet floral earthiness. More mild than Tunworth, yet superbly rich and gentle on the palate, this is a very popular choice on a British cheeseboard and suitable for vegetarians.

A delicate, intensely creamy, mould ripened ewe's cheese produced from two flocks of sheep at Stratford-upon-Avon and at Horsham in West Sussex. A multi award winner including a Gold at the Artisan Cheese Awards 2017.

One of the last remaining hand ladelled stiltons, Colston Bassett Stilton is often considered to be the best. Little has changed since they started making cheese in 1913 and the reputation of the dairy has gone from strength to strength. It is now famous for making Stilton that is velvety and smooth, with a full, well-balanced, sweet and ‘mineral-y’ flavour.